Intelligent Design vs. Evolution
I believe in the power of a higher being and the possibility that he could be the creator of all but evidence is what identifies whether a satement is real or simply made believe, and evolution has far more evidence to back it up then intelligent design does in my opinion. We have evidence that God existed due to art, scriptures, and most importantly the bible. However, i believe that God was just a figure of higher power that the people made up in times of need. Someone they could rely on when times were tuff and when they had no one else to turn to. They of course made this figure as one who had power over all and made miracles so that people could have even more faith and hope that he could make hard life better. I absolutely side with the idea of evolution because theres evidence such as real life objects that are there to support the idea and not just objects that man could make. The objects used to support the idea of evolution are those that came from man himself as well as animals. It's easier for me to accept the idea that we as humans have evolved through the process of life from other species as well as species also evolving rather than belief that one man had the power to do it all. Evolution for me is not just a theory but a fact, and one that can be supported with all life evidence from present and past while intelligent design is simply a thing from the past and a simple belief in something completely opinionated and false.
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